If anybody can sympathize with a guy like Mike Francesa, it would have to be Free Beer, Hot Wings and Zane. Like Mike, the guys have to be up early every day to make it into the studio to do the radio show. But who are we kidding here... there's no empathy on FBHW.

Do you really think they'd be giving Francesa a break for taking a little snooze during an interview with Yankees beat reporter Sweeny Murti? Nope. They're going to repeatedly watch this clip of him falling asleep and laugh at it.

Free Beer complimented Francesa for the "smooth" way he recovered. But we have to admit, the face he makes after waking up is just priceless. He's so bewildered looking, it's as though he forgot what a microphone looks like. Also, it must suck to be Sweeny Murti right now. He might even be coming out worse in this whole thing.

Check out the video below:

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