The death of GWAR frontman Dave Brockie, the man who portrayed the lovable warmongering alien Oderus Urungus, shocked the metal community to its core. Following the GWAR mastermind's passing, the Dave Brockie Foundation was launched, and now, GWAR have released a new memorial shirt to raise money for the foundation.
It's always amazing when metal gets its due respect from mainstream media. It's even greater when a television legend like Jon Stewart takes a moment to memorialize a late metal icon like GWAR frontman Dave Brockie (aka Oderus Urungus), which is exactly what happened last night (March 25) on 'The Daily Show.'
Breaking news on the death of GWAR frontman Dave Brockie (aka Oderus Urungus). According to a Richmond, Va. news outlet, law enforcement is currently investigating Brockie’s death as drug-related based on evidence gathered at the scene of the singer’s death.
The music world suffered a big loss on Sunday (March 23) with the death of GWAR frontman Dave 'Oderus Urungus' Brockie. The tributes continue to roll in, with Philip Anselmo, Tool and more findings special ways to pay their respects.
Yesterday evening (March 23), GWAR frontman Dave Brockie (aka Oderus Urungus) passed away at the age of 50. We've been mourning the loss of a true original, as have many of rock and metal's finest artists.
It's with great sadness that we report the death of GWAR frontman Dave 'Oderus Urungus' Brockie. According to various sources, Brockie's body was found on the evening of March 23.
Parents are becoming lazier and lazier. We don't really blame you, as binge-watching a marathon of 'The Walking Dead' is much more satisfying than putting your screaming little infant to bed. In fact, we want to help. That's why we recruited GWAR front-thing Oderus Urungus to help put your kids to sleep with a very NSFW rendition of 'Goodnight Moon.'
‘Holliston,’ a sitcom described by its creators as ‘The Big Bang Theory’ meets ‘Evil Dead II,’ debuts on FEARnet TV on April 3rd. Dee Snider from Twisted Sister and Oderus Urungus from GWAR are co-stars on the network’s first original series.