You know that film from 1967 of an alleged Bigfoot that's so hard to really tell what's going on because it's so grainy and jumpy? It's not grainy and jumpy anymore.
On a podcast called 'The Sasquatch Chronicles', a Ludington, Michigan area bow hunter shared a story about coming across something a little strange in the woods.
Parents have been brightening up their children's birthday parties by bringing in special guests for a long time. But, never have I seen a birthday party feature a "bigfoot" like in this Tik Tok.
The maker of a video, filmed in mid-January 2021, claims that an image of a figure captured at the Menantco Ponds Wildlife Management Area in Millville, New Jersey is a bigfoot.
The Washington Department of Transportation has recently tweeted out a few photos taken by a traffic camera showing what they say could be a Sasquatch.
Back in the 1970's, a hair and skin sample were sent to the FBI for examination on whether it was from Bigfoot. Over 40 years later, the organization has released it's findings.