This Is How Far You Have To Walk To Work Off Your Favorite Festival International Food
Festival time is here, and in addition to the great music and fun, revelers will be looking forward to the delicious festival food.
If you're on a diet, or watching your calories it could be a challenge to walk past the delicious aroma of a funnel cake, or the numerous bread bowls filled with crazy delicious cajun concoctions.
Our friends at the Heart Hospital of Lafayette have figured out just how far you'll have to hike to work off those festival faves, and the best part is you can get most of your walking done while you're enjoying Festival International.
Day #2 of Festival International de Louisiane is here and many of us look forward to the delicious "festival food". But...
Posted by Heart Hospital of Lafayette on Thursday, April 23, 2015
Based on the Festival treats I plan on enjoying, it looks like I'll have to walk to New Iberia to work it off!
Which festival favorites will you be enjoying?