New Orleans Saints tight end Benjamin Watson had something to say about the recent rioting in Baltimore on his official Facebook page which has now gone viral.


Watson's post Monday night has already been shared more than 11,200 times and has nearly 30,000 likes.

Much like he did in response to the protests in Ferguson, MO, Watson wrote an essay-length opinion in reaction to the riots in Baltimore. Watson said we have “major problems” as a nation and said violence is not the way to bring about change.

Watson says he's tired of “Violence by police reciprocated by violence by the community,” and called it fruitless to continue to analyze, condemn and respond to the outbursts.

Watson continued on to say what's needed is a change of heart. “Systems are broken because people are broken and if systems are fixed without hearts being changed the result will be a legalistic attempt that will lack long term results.”

Watson ended his Facebook post with a call to prayer, “Tonight I see brokenness that only Christ can give us the wisdom and power to mend.”

He encouraged everyone to do the same with the hashtag #PrayForAmerica

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