High School Basketball Coach Suspended After MASSIVE Win
A California high school basketball coach has received a suspension after his team won in a MASSIVE way.
Michael Anderson, a girl's high school basketball coach, is facing a two game suspension after his team beat another 161-2.
Anderson spent his time-off scouting competition.
Apparently, the coaches of the two teams talked a bit before the game. Anderson says:
"This was our last game before we started league, and we were going to come out playing hard," he said. "I wanted to let him know there was no harm intended, and that if he had any ideas or concerns just to let me know. We were going to play a half of basketball, at least... And he seemed fine with that."
Anderson did bench his starters at halftime, and told his reserves to burn the shot clock before trying to score. The coach for the other team, Dale Chung, still wasn't pleased:
"People shouldn't feel sorry for my team. They should feel sorry for his team, which isn't learning the game the right way," he said. "I've known him for about seven years... He's a great X's and O's coach. Ethically? Not so much," he said. "He knows what he did was wrong."
I know my jaw dropped when I read the score of the game. What say you?
Do you think he deserves his suspension?
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