A picture was snapped at The Stanley Hotel, the hotel that inspired Stephen King to write The Shining, and it looks like there's a ghost! What do you think?

The guy who took the picture, Henry Yau, claims that he didn't notice anyone on the stairs when he took a panoramic picture of the lobby at the Stanley Hotel, but when he looked at it later, he noticed what looked like a woman in period clothing on the top of the stairs. Oh, and it gets weirder...

But go ahead and take a look

What do you think?

Well, a paranormal expert took a look at the picture, and said that it could very well be a ghost...but there's more!

He says that he sees not one, but TWO ghosts in the picture!

“When we blew up the picture, we immediately saw a second anomaly just to the left of the first figure,” Kevin Sampron, a paranormal expert at SPIRIT Paranormal Investigations in Denver, told WUSA. “To us it looks like the first figure is a lady dressed in black and to the left of her it looks like a child.”

Here's what Stephen King said about the hotel inspiring him to write The Shining

“That night I dreamed of my three-year-old son running through the corridors, looking back over his shoulder, eyes wide, screaming. He was being chased by a fire-hose. I woke up with a tremendous jerk, sweating all over, within an inch of falling out of bed. I got up, lit a cigarette, sat in the chair looking out the window at the Rockies, and by the time the cigarette was done, I had the bones of the book firmly set in my mind.”

Do you think it's a for real ghost?

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