Maybe ALF really stands for A Loudmouthed Freak?

The furry extraterrestrial 1980s puppet hitherto relegated to the dustbins of pop culture is suddenly back in the headlines after a newly surfaced blooper reel  has gone viral featuring the creature dropping an N-bomb.

ALF (an acronym for Alien Life Form), manned by ALF series creator Paul Fusco, is shown flubbing lines, cussing up a storm and hitting on teenage costar Andrea Elson ("Lay down on top of me, straddle me," he tells her from bed). But then one parody goes horribly wrong.

Spoofing an old episode of L.A. Law in which a character with Tourette's Syndrome swears uncontrollably, the puppet repeatedly drops the N word around the 4:40 mark. To paraphrase ALF, whoa.

ALF ran from 1986-90 on NBC and the character had a brief revival as a talk-show host on TV Land in 2004. The puppet was last seen hawking long distance services for 1-800-COLLECT alongside ex-New York Met Mike Piazza.

Who knows? Maybe this blooper reel will spark renewed interest in the little guy. He'll have to make some apologies first. Rehab, perhaps?


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