Who needs plastic when you can have wood?

Naughty America, which runs several porn sites, has launched a program in which people can swap gift cards for access to its collection of X-rated content. It's the perfect way to actually get good use out of Christmas presents that may otherwise sit at the bottom of a desk drawer until you find them when you move.

It’s all anonymous (although you do need to provide an email address) and Naughty America accepts a slew of cards from big name stores, including Barnes & Noble, Best Buy, Starbucks, Target, Kohl’s, Old Navy and Walmart.

As you may expect, the more money that's on a card, the longer you can enjoy all the debauchery. Naughty America provides. A $25 card earns you a 24-day membership, $50 gets 48 days and $200 results in 612 days, after which atrophy has probably set in and you'll find yourself physically unable to move away from your computer.

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