The good news: Lucasfilm is finally rolling out the TV spots for Rogue One. The bad news: there’s not much new here.

The new brief TV spot has everything we’ve seen before, including Felicity Jones‘ Jyn Erso saying “I rebel” in her cool, badass way and Forest Whitaker‘s Saw Gerrera posing the ultra mysterious and alarming question, “What will you become” in a choppy whisper. There is some new text though that shows in between the footage, reading, “Hope begins with rebellion.” It’s still a fun teaser to get you amped for the first Star Wars spinoff, and it also means this is only the beginning of new footage to come in future TV spots, and eventually a full second trailer.

I saw part of what will be featured in that upcoming trailer back at Star Wars Celebration Europe when Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy debuted the a new teaser for the audience. It featured a ton of new footage in its short minute and a half runtime, including – spoiler alert  – a reflection cameo by a breathing Darth Vader, a look at presumably the young Jyn, and lots of explosions and fighting. It’s unknown when exactly that trailer will drop, but my best guess is either during Force Friday in September. If not then, Lucasfilm might just randomly surprise us one lucky day. Rogue One opens in only four months and we still haven’t gotten an official synopsis from the Gareth Edwards movie yet, so the coming months are bound to be filled with many reveals.

Until then, you can keep watching that Rogue One sizzle reel on loop and look through our gallery of costumes and props from the upcoming movie, which include some character details and descriptions. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story opens December 16.


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