The guys reacted to the news today that Shaun White was in some legal trouble. As fans of the show know, White was recently on the program, promoting some new gum. Free Beer and the guys took a shining to him and had a good time during the interview. Naturally, they were not elated to hear the news.

"That doesn't make anybody happy," said Hot Wings. Before commenting that "I would not have known it was him," commenting on how different he looks in his mugshot with a goatee and his hair pulled back.

White found himself in a bit of trouble after an inebriated romp through a hotel in Nashville, where he pulled a fire alarm and pushed a guest who tried to stop him from getting away. He was later charged with vandalism and intoxication.

"He went full '70s rock star on that hotel," said Hot Wings.

"I always thought those dudes were a little more mellow," said Zane, referring to the snowboarder culture.

"Maybe he does stuff like this all the time, but my gut says this is out of character," said Free Beer. We think that Free Beer's on target here.

White's definitely a golden boy. But it's nice to see that he's got a little rebel in him. While this was pretty innocent for the most part, he's lucky that the person he kicked out of the way isn't pressing any charges. And he's already in damage control mode, issuing an apology today.

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