Weyland Industries

Creepy ‘Prometheus’ Viral Advertisement Starring Michael Fassbender [Video]
Creepy ‘Prometheus’ Viral Advertisement Starring Michael Fassbender [Video]
Creepy ‘Prometheus’ Viral Advertisement Starring Michael Fassbender [Video]
Forget The Avengers and the new Spider-Man film, because with The Dark Knight Rises, Prometheus is my most anticipated film of the year. I have posted a few stories about this 'prequel to Alien' in the past. As the release date approaches, more and more viral marketing appears, which is making me more excited.
Alien Prequel ‘Prometheus’ Releases Viral Video Starring Guy Pearce [Video]
Alien Prequel ‘Prometheus’ Releases Viral Video Starring Guy Pearce [Video]
Alien Prequel ‘Prometheus’ Releases Viral Video Starring Guy Pearce [Video]
If you are as excited as I am about Ridley Scott's upcoming prequel to Alien called 'Prometheus', then this video starring Guy Pearce as Peter Weyland has the fanboy in you excited as a pig in poop! To watch the viral video and trailer to Prometheus, check it out after the jump.