Chevelle’s Pete Loeffler Talks Upside Of Online Music Piracy
Chevelle’s Pete Loeffler Talks Upside Of Online Music Piracy
Chevelle’s Pete Loeffler Talks Upside Of Online Music Piracy
Online music piracy, and online piracy in general is a huge topic of discussion at the moment. SOPA/PIPA laws have been designed to help fight this, but those laws could potentially do more harm than good. It seems technology will always be 3 steps ahead of any law, so maybe the only thing left to do is look for an upside to it all...
What Websites Went Dark For The SOPA Blackout? [IMAGES]
What Websites Went Dark For The SOPA Blackout? [IMAGES]
What Websites Went Dark For The SOPA Blackout? [IMAGES]
On Tuesday, we told you about some of the sites — Wikipedia, Reddit and the Cheezburger network among them — that planned to go dark today in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PROTECT IP Act (PIPA), anti-piracy legislation under consideration by the US Congress. They weren’t the only stops on the internet to take a stand — here’s a roundup of some of the most prominent peaceful prot
The Web Marks Today SOPA/PIPA Protest Day
The Web Marks Today SOPA/PIPA Protest Day
The Web Marks Today SOPA/PIPA Protest Day
Today, the Internet will protest two controversial anti-piracy bills: The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and its Senate companion, the Protect IP Act (PIPA). If you're having trouble with wikipedia, google, reddit, or any other crowd-sourced website, this is due to the current "Internet Blackout" that will continue throughout today...