Women are mystified by the simple things that will capture a man's attention. Here are 13 things that almost every man will stop to watch and they don't know know exactly why.
AskReddit posed this question, "Men of Reddit; what thing would you do if it wasn't so 'feminine' or socially 'unacceptable'?", and men responded with answers you would never think could come from a guy.
Choosing a fragrance for men would be easier if the scent industry allowed men to pick the smells. Here we have picked 13 that any real man would love.
Men have tried everything throughout the years to make their face look better. The latest facial hair trend has left many online asking, "WHY?". Others are considering jumping on board with this new, and now viral, look.
Men as a species do not want things. We see things we want and we go get them. That leaves only things you think we want available for gift giving time.
Women always say that the worst physical pain they have ever experienced is the pain from labor. Of course, many men do not believe this and I have no idea why. In a way to show guys what labor pain feels like, these two guys are given labor pain simulation from electric shocks to the abdomen. Watch as the guys find out first hand how painful labor pain is while their wives console them!
AskMen.com is launching the Great Male Survey of 2012, and if you view yourself as such a dude, then start plugging in your answers for the “Men in 2012” portion of the three-part pre-survey. Yes, that might sound like a bit of work, but trust us, it’s more interesting than your actual job.
Good news for men who’ve eschewed that whole man-scaping trend: when the Bedbug Apocalypse comes, those hairy guys will be among the last victims attacked.
Men have a long held affection for assisting those of our brethren who may from time to time find themselves in an ill spot. Women, apparently, do not share this trait. Take the following as a case study.