That proposed .22 cent increase in fuel taxes in Louisiana will not be debated in the upcoming session of the legislature. There is a simple reason why.
Tensions are rising in the Mideast once again as the US alleges Iran is responsible for several recent attacks against oil tankers in the vital oil shipping lane of the Strait of Hormuz.
As I'm sure you've noticed, gas prices pretty much change day to day. There are many reasons for this, like the commodities market and fancy things like that. But, is there a trend in these fluctuating gas prices we can use to find a day of the week when gas is the cheapest in Louisiana? There sure is.
Holiday motorist should have no trouble affording a fill up for their travels over the next few weeks. However, all good things must come to an end. We will tell you why you should be expecting an increase in gas prices in January.
A recent report from Moody's Investors Service is now suggesting that lower than desired oil prices will be a part of the South Louisiana economy at least until early 2016.