
Ever Wonder What Barbie Looks Like Without Make-up? [Photo]
Ever Wonder What Barbie Looks Like Without Make-up? [Photo]
Ever Wonder What Barbie Looks Like Without Make-up? [Photo]
The new natural Barbie is the first time we see what Ken wakes up next to every morning. I can't figure out if this is cool, funny, or just plain weird. The pic popped up on Imgur and includes bags under her eyes, acne, braces and more. Check out the photo and let us know what you think!
Should Barbie Take Ken Back?
Should Barbie Take Ken Back?
Should Barbie Take Ken Back?
Wow. Mattell is running an online poll to decide whether Barbie and Ken should get back together.  I didn't even realize that Barbie and Ken had ever split up until this!