Miles Ambridge is a second grader in New Westminster, B.C. He has been suffering from Spinal Muscular Atrophy since he was 13 months old, and must use a wheelchair to get around. In this class photo, he is clearly set aside from the rest of his classmates...something that his mother says was done by adults, not children who can be cruel and not understand the situation. Keep reading for more on the story.

The mother of Miles Ambridge was heartbroken to see that her seven-year-old boy, who has spinal muscular atrophy and, as a result, must use a wheelchair, had been placed, chair and all, far off to the side from the rest of his classmates.

This physical distance emphasizes the fact that he’s not included in the group, Belanger tells theProvince, and the photo serves as the most egregious example so far.

“Look at the angle that he was in,” she says, referring to the way Miles is clearly craning his body toward the other children to get closer to them in the shot. “He’s ostracized. He wants to be part of the gang so much.”

Meanwhile, the proliferation of Miles’ photo and story over media outlets has drawn attention to the way many still treat individuals with disabilities and revives the need for increased awareness and sensitivity.

It’s a challenge that Miles’ father still grapples with himself.

"I hold myself to account for making mistakes in [Miles'] daily life as well. I’m a parent. You do your best on a daily basis, but I’m not above it either," he admits to the CBC.

"Be sensitive to our differences, but don’t highlight those differences, accommodate them.”


The photo company had to be "coaxed" into saying that the placement was a mistake, and has finally agreed to retake the class photo.

What say you about this situation?

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