Scott Weiland Issues Statement Regarding Stone Temple Pilots Lineup
As you previously heard, Stone Temple Pilots have just released a new single called 'Out Of Time' with a new vocalist. That new vocalist being Chester Bennington of Linkin Park, who according to the band, is their new permanent singer. This does not sit well with Scott Weiland, original vocalist of STP and from what he said earlier, still the lead singer of the band.
Weiland just made this statement, via his official Facebook fan page:
A letter to my fans,
Like everybody else out there, I read about my band, Stone Temple Pilots, and their recent performance this past weekend with a new singer. To tell you the truth, it took me by surprise. And it hurt.
But the band that played last weekend was not Stone Temple Pilots and it was wrong of them to present themselves as that.
First of all they don't have the legal right to call themselves STP because I'm still a member of the band. And more importantly, they don't have the ethical right to call themselves Stone Temple Pilots because it's misleading and dishonest to the millions of fans that have followed us for so many years.
When I tour on my own, it's never as Stone Temple Pilots. It's as Scott Weiland. The fans deserve to know what they're getting.
Like any band that's stood the test of time and made music for more than two decades, STP had a special alchemy - the four of us together were greater than any one of us apart. So if my former bandmates want to tour with a new singer, that's their prerogative.
I don't give a f**k what they call themselves, but it's not Stone Temple Pilots.
And so I say to you, our fans, I'll see you out there on the road this summer where I'm touring as "Scott Weiland" with my band The Wildabouts. But don't give up on STP. I know I haven't.~ Scott
The rest of the band, consisting of original members Robert and Dean DeLeo and Eric Kretz are going to tour with Bennington as their vocalist. If you haven't heard the new single 'Out Of Time', which is getting good reception including props from Slash, check it out below:
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