‘Sarah Palin’ Will Take Her Clothes Off For Republican National Convention — Sort Of
It’s a fairly known fact that strippers make more money when Republicans are in town. In Tampa – the strip club capital of the US – one strip club hopes to break through the clutter with an offer that is sure to get those GOP members attending the RNC in late August to spend dead presidents – a Sarah Palin look-alike.
Thee Doll House [NSFW] might not have the sophisticated Club Cam Systems technology other clubs have that allows users to watch live feeds and chat with strippers online, but it does have $1 million in renovations and a dancer that bears resemblance to the former beauty queen and 2008 VP candidate.
Though the stripper’s identity hasn’t been revealed, we’ve got a hunch it’s MILF / Cougar Performer of the Year AVN nominee Lisa Ann, who milked her likeness for all it was worth back in 2008 with ‘Who’s Nailin Paylin?’, ‘You’re Nailin Palin Interactive’, and ‘Obama’s Nailin’ Palin. The porn star, who landed at #32 on our list of the Most Mind-Numbingly Hot Women of 2012, tweeted that she’ll be dancing at the club on August 24 and 25th, a couple days before the RNC officially starts.
Time for John McCain to make it rain.