A San Francisco bartender named Jamin Barton found a phone when he was working. He said they find around 20 phones a week, but most people come back 15 minutes later looking for their phone. This one, however, didn't have an owner looking for it. It just so happened to be the unreleased Google Nexus 4 Android phone. He was then visited by 'Google secret police'. Keep reading to see what happened!

After finding the phone locked and with no sim card, he showed it to his tech savvy friend, Dave, who recognized it as the unreleased Nexus phone, and offered to contact Google for him.

From Inquisitr:

When Barton heard back from Dave, he said Dave was shaken from his dealings with Google.
Barton said:

“Dave sort of freaked out. [He said] ‘Google lost a phone. You just got a guy fired … The Google police are coming’. I probably shouldn’t have shown it to him. But I did. He didn’t work for Google, but Google had him pretty worked up. They told him he could be an accessory or something.”

Google sent their global investigations and intelligence manager to Barton’s bar to retrieve the phone.

Barton still required them to prove they worked for Google.

Barton said:

“What was I supposed to do, look for the guy with Google shirt? How did I know this guy didn’t work for Apple.”

Barton eventually gave the phone to the Google executive, but only after he was able to confirm the executive’s identity.

Barton was offered a free phone by the Google executive as long as he kept his mouth shut about the incident.  Instead, Barton decided to tell his story to Wired for a small freelance fee.  He also provided photos of the phone to Wired.


Google had plans to release the phone in New York on Monday, but for obvious reasons, were unable to.

What would you do if you found an unreleased phone?

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