It's Facebook's world at the moment, we just happen to live in it. It's no secret that millions of employees day in and day out troll through their Facebook pages while at work. But, does give your Boss the right to ask you for your Facebook password?

The Password Protection Act, which looks to protect employees from employers asking for access to their social networking accounts, has been introduced in both the House and Senate. The PPA is a law intended to prevent employers from forcing employees and job applicants into sharing information from their personal social networking accounts.

All this seems really crazy to me, meaning employers asking for employees personal Facebook account passwords. Obviously, what I do for a living is very different from most work places. Hell, we can get in trouble for NOT using Facebook. Why would a compnay need to snoop through your personal account? For that matter, just hand over your cell phone, any personal e-mail accounts, and just let the company bug your house, right?

That being said, I do understand the importance and agree with company confidentiality, and recognize the threat that social media can pose.

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