Wow! Looks like there's at least one metalhead working the New York Times crossword puzzles. On the Jan. 30 edition of the crossword, metal legends Pantera and Alice Cooper were both included as an answer and a clue, respectively.

We haven't witnessed too many metalheads sit down with the morning paper to brutalize the famous New York Times crossword puzzle, but then again, you can never judge musical taste by the suit one may be wearing.

The New York Times actually went all-out with musical clues on Jan. 30, starting with 19 Across. The clue reads, "1972 Alice Cooper hit with the lyric "we got no class." Elementary… of course the answer is 'School's Out.' Bam! One down!

Next up is 51 Across, which reads, "Heavy-metal band with the #1 album 'Far Beyond Driven.'" Ha! Think you could lob that softball at us? Well, we just crushed it over the fence with the answer: Pantera.

Pantera tweeted out the puzzle:

The puzzle did, however, dish up a slightly challenging clue with 32 Down. It reads, "Hard-hitting musical performances?" Hmmm… the answer takes up nine space. Could it be "circle pit"? Nah, doesn't quite match up. How about "stage dive'? No, that doesn't work either. Aha! After further analysis, we can report the correct answer is … (drumroll) … "Drum Solos"!

Thanks for the "challenge" New York Times, but the metal legions have deciphered your measly clues! Next time, we suggest a clue for the classic Carcass track 'Swarming Vulgar Mass of Infected Virulency.'

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