Original ‘Star Wars’ Script Discovered In University Library – Famous Debate Laid To Rest
An original script for Star Wars has been found in the University of New Brunswick library. In the script, the famous debate about whether Han shot first has been laid to rest.
The script, dated March 15, 1976 (over a year before the movie hit theaters), is the fourth draft. At this point it was still being called 'Saga I' and Luke's last name was still Starkiller.
There's one thing in this script, though, that says beyond a shadow of a doubt, who shot first.
George Lucas, in his ever-tinkering of the original trilogy, re-cut the scene to show Greedo shooting at Han first, and Han then responds with the deadly self defense shot. In Lucas' (newer) world, Greedo shot first, and Han wasn't a badass cold-blooded killer.
BUT, according to the University of New Brunswick librarian Kristian Brown, "I'll tell you one thing, right now. Based on the script, I can tell you 100 per cent, Han shot first,"
So, Han IS the badass cold-blooded killer we all wanted him to be! Survey says...another one for the good guys!
How the script ended up in the university library, or in New Brunswick period, isn't clear, but it does contain different character descriptions and scenes that didn't make the final cut.
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