Remember how Tatooine had two suns? One slightly more yellow than the other, and offset. Turns out NASA has discovered there really is a planet like the one you've seen in 'Star Wars'


According to Inquisitr

A planet with two suns? NASA has just discovered a new planet similar to Tatooine, the fictional planet in “Star Wars.” The new planet, called Kepler 16b, orbits two stars at a distance of about 65 million miles.

The New York Times reports that one star burns orange while the other burns yellow, and that they do not always rise and set in the same order.

Alan P. Boss of the Carnegie Institution, said:

“Reality has finally caught up with science fiction.”

The planet, which was discovered by NASA’s Kepler planet-hunting spacecraft, was announced on Thursday in a paper published online in the journal Science.

NASA says that this is the first planet ever discovered to definitively have two suns. Planets were believed to have two suns in the past, but Kepler 16b is the first to have twin suns officially confirmed.

Alan Boss, one of the researchers who made the discovery, told

“This is the first definitive case. People in the past have thought they saw instances like this. But there are other ways of explaining them. This is the first one where it’s absolutely, quantitatively sure that this is what the explanation is.”

The full article explains how it's more than just cool to look at and changes the way we thought stars were formed. Inquisitr has the full article.

George Lucas is gonna be mad mad, y'all!


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