I didn't realize that Movember or No-Shave November was such a legitimate deal. I thought dudes just did it. Apparently I was totally wrong!

According to Inquisitr you really need to check out movember.com!

If you are a dude and concerned with dude’s issues, or you have a dude who
you think could help draw awareness to dude’s issues, you can log on to Movember.com and learn how to support no-shave November. The site explains:

Once registered at www.movember.com, men start Movember 1st clean shaven. For
the rest of the month, these selfless and generous men, known as Mo Bros, groom,
trim and wax their way into the annals of fine moustachery. Supported by the
women in their lives, Mo Sistas, Movember Mo Bros raise funds by seeking out
sponsorship for their Mo-growing efforts… Mo Bros effectively become walking,
talking billboards for the 30 days of November. Through their actions and words
they raise awareness by prompting private and public conversation around the
often ignored issue of men’s health.

And the movement for Movember isn’t just grassroots- it is linked to the
Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG, the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Funds raised are directed to support these goals.

So, it's all for a good cause! Will you be participating???

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