Michigan State University To Offer ‘Surviving The Coming Zombie Apocalypse’ Class
This summer, Michigan State University will be offering a class called 'Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse: Catastrophes & Human Behavior'. Are MSU alum gonna be our saving grace when the time comes?? Check out what the course will offer after the jump!
From Inquisitr, according to the course catalog:
“The question at the center of this course is, “How do humans behave in catastrophic times?” Does their behavior change in the midst of trying to survive and the decisions they face? We will examine major catastrophic events from the past, look to potential future events, and consider a concept for increasing our chances of survival.”
Check out a video about the class here from course director Glenn Stutzky. Keep in mind that Stutzky is far from being a theater coach. But you get the idea.
Would you take a class like this???