Gun Confiscated from Juvenile in St. Martinville Youth Jail
A top to bottom investigation has been launched after a 16-year-old juvenile at the Acadiana Center for Youth in St. Martinville was discovered to be hiding a firearm according to state officials.
Officials with Louisiana State Police and the Office of Juvenile Justice, one of two juvenile escapees that had recently been recaptured was the person in possession of the firearm. How it got into the juvenile facility is being thoroughly investigated at this time.
The investigation started when the juvenile was discovered with the gun in a holding cell on Tuesday, January 25. Both of the two juvenile escapees were eventually taken back into custody. One was captured in a stolen vehicle that was stopped by troopers on Louisiana Highway 61 near Thomas Road in East Baton Rouge Parish. The second juvenile was taken into police custody in Pointe Coupee Parish several days laters.
Officials with Louisiana State Police say they found one escapee, found out about multiple vehicle burglaries along with two vehicle thefts the two are said to have been a part of. In addition, there was some sort of accidental shooting incident.
While the joint investigation continues, Louisiana Office of Juvenile Justice Deputy Secretary William Sommers had this to say,
Upon discovery of the contraband, the Office of Juvenile Justice reached out to local law enforcement to conduct a thorough investigation. We are fully cooperating in this investigation to assure the safety of the youth in our care, our staff, and the general public.
Louisiana State Police Superintendent, Colonel Lamar Davis says,
Yesterday afternoon, our agency was briefed on the incident by the Office of Juvenile Justice and took immediate action to begin the investigatory process. As the investigation progresses, we will make certain all circumstances of the incident are investigated thoroughly to ensure accountability at all levels.