We saw the guy vape a Carolina Reaper pepper. This guy was "inspired" by that, and decided to rip a bong hit of the world's hottest pepper.

Let’s explain a little bit. The Scoville Heat Units (SHU) are what’s used to measure the heat of a pepper. For instance, a tabasco pepper comes between 2,500-5,000 SHU. The Carolina Reaper Pepper hits it right at around 1.5 MILLION SHU!

This guy got a hold of some Carolina Reaper, which the Guinness World Records recognizes as the world’s hottest pepper, after watching that maniac vape it, and decides to go ahead and "bong rip" it. He seems really proud of his bong ripping abilities at the beginning.

I imagine people that actually do stuff like this aren't the smartest of people, so he probably didn't realize that him having an exceptional ability to bong rip actually hurts him worse...


That being said, the video is NSFW due to some language, and a whole lot of dry heaving.

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