Dog’s $400 Diagnosis Shocks Owner and Brings the Internet to Tears
I have said it before and I will say it again, we don't deserve dogs. As a species, we as human beings simply have not earned the kind of love, devotion, dedication, and loyalty that is given to us by our canine friends. This story you are about to see bears this out.
The dog in question is a mixed breed pup. Veterinarians believe he is a cross between a greyhound and a terrier. The dog's owner became concerned after he noticed that the animal had developed a significant limp.
As you might imagine a normal healthy dog suddenly developing a limp would be cause for great concern. That's why the animal was whisked to the family's veterinarian for a checkup.
The limp was first noticed by the owner of the animal's father who oddly enough happened to be on crutches himself because of a leg injury. You can actually see the older man and the dog limping along together in a video that was posted on Facebook.
It was this limping, by the dog, not the dad, that prompted the Vet visit.
The diagnosis set the family back about $400 in US Dollars but the answer they received from their animal's medical provider turned out to be priceless.
Veterinarians determined after a battery of tests and X-rays that the dog's limp was not caused by any physical malady. The dog was limping beside his owner out of sympathy. Yeah, the dog was feeling his master's pain.
I have blood relatives that can't do that.
The only conclusion that the animal experts could conclude was that Billy, that's the dog's name was suffering from an empathetic heart. This again proves my statement, we don't deserve dogs. Okay, not my statement, Mark Twain's but we have an agreement, I give him credit for it and he stays dead. So, far it's worked out pretty well.
This is why I am asking you to please consider adopting a rescue animal from your local pet shelter. If your family has plans to add a furry friend to the family I can attest these pound puppies and pound kitties possess unlimited love, just like the pup in this story.
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