Facebook Post Has Many Asking What Man Has in Hand [VIDEO]
What is that?
A Facebook post has many on social media asking what a man has in his hand, and now we know.
Crochets Crawfish Farm posted the video of some baby crawfish crawling around a man's hand and yes, they really do start off that small.
At about that size, the young crawfish are put into a dry field and ultimately grow into what many would call a southern delicacy.
If you've ever seen a crawfish with its offspring, you already know that it can be a bit disturbing, and here's what that looks like.
Not long after they are "born" the very small crawfish are put out in a field in hopes that they will survive and become what so many love in south Louisiana.
Check out as these babies crawl around in a man's hand, before being released in hopes that we see them again---in the pot.