read that right. So, Neil Strauss, a former rock journalist, wrote a book called Everyone Loves You When You’re Dead: Journeys into Fame and Madness. In said book he recalls an interview he did with Courtney Love. Check out what allegedly happened after the jump!

"The place was Courtney Love’s house in Los Angeles. The time was very late. The  moment was when she leaped off her bed and suddenly said . . .

COURTNEY LOVE: Say hi to Kurt.

She walks to a dresser, pulls open a drawer, and removes a square-shaped tin. She removes the lid, revealing a plastic bag full of white ashes. A faint smell of jasmine emanates from the tin.

LOVE: Too bad you don’t do coke. Otherwise I’d suggest taking a metal straw to it.

STRAUSS: Yeah, I don’t think that would be the right thing to do.

LOVE: I’d like to though."

Kinda creepy, no? But, it IS Courtney Love we're talking about here...Your thoughts?

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