Yup, you heard that right: International Buy A Priest A Beer Day is coming up on September 9th!

Okay, wait a minute: it's not a real holiday.

I got so excited when I read "September 9 is International Buy A Priest A Beer Day" online, that I knew I had to write a story about it. During my research, I found out that it's not a real holiday, only a day made up by a blogger in an attempt to catch someone's eye (it worked on me!) to encourage the reader to get to know his or her priest better.

I'm over here thinking "a priest that drinks beer?  That's my kind of priest!". I realize that priests are human and enjoy many things that the rest of us enjoy (except for that); one of my family members is a priest, and he enjoys the occasional cocktail. A close friend of our family is a priest, and his passion (outside of his holy works) is hunting. So, the thought of a priest having a beer should not come as a surprise to me (or a novelty, I guess).


I do like the idea of encouraging people to get to know their priest (which is what the "holiday" is all about), but limiting it to one day out of the year will get you one of two things: 1) upset people (because the priest can  only accept so many beers in one day) or 2) a very inebriated priest!

Don't wait until September 9 to invite your priest for a beer (or dinner, or a fishing trip, or a movie). Actually, don't wait for any particular day to extend an invitation for a beer (or dinner, or fishing trip, etc) to anyone you'd like to get to know better.  Life is short, so make friends now!

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