At the event Rednecks With Paychecks, Barbie Jeep Racing looks to be the highlight of the event...and I can see why!

I didn't know that Barbie Jeep Racing was a thing until I saw this video. Apparently it's a lot bigger than you or I ever thought. It's got it's own Facebook page with over 38,000 likes!

I'm not really sure if there's a strategy to this. Do they buy brand new Barbie jeeps before the event or are they just leftovers from someone's childhood?

If you want to hit up the next Rednecks With Paychecks event, you're in luck! The next event is happening March 10-13.

The video is NSFW due to some language from some trash talkin' racers, but's like a damn train wreck! I just couldn't stop watching it!

Seriously, TRY to stop watching...I bet ya can't!

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