We've seen or heard of the stories of people going into bars or restaurants and leaving little to no tip for the server. Well, there's been a case of the bad tipper here in downtown Lafayette. Keep reading to see how much this person spent, and left NO tip. 

bad tipper lafayette louisiana

People in the service industry make less than minimum wage as far as hourly wages are concerned. And yes, they do know the risks of receiving or not receiving tips when they took the job. It seems, though, that whoever the person was that decided to be a "baller" that night probably didn't get the worst service in the world. Otherwise, they would have left long before they were able to spend $223 and close out at 1:35AM.

This is a conversation I've had a number of times (as a matter of fact I had it last night) with many different people. Some people's opinions are harsh and say they tip well below the average percentage line, while others (most who have been in the service industry) will tip well above the average percentage if they feel the server went above and beyond.

I for one have never worked in the service industry, but I make sure to take care of the server for the job they've done. A server has to TRY to get a bad tip from me. I know if I went into a place, be it a bar, restaurant, or other service industry, and spent $223 I wouldn't leave that tip line empty or with an obvious line through it (showing that this person didn't just forget).

Let's hope whoever this person was either had one hell of a reason, or will feel guilty for what they've done, and go back and leave this server some kind of compensation.

Also, if you ever have trouble calculating just how much to leave a server, you can get iTip if you have an iPhone. If you have Android, there's the Tip N Split Tip Calculator.

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