Our lives are so very busy each day of the week, but if you need a flu shot a local hospital group is going to make things much easier for you this Saturday. Flu shots prevent millions of people from having to deal with aches, coughing, fever, and chills caused by the illness. Who has time to deal with the flu? No one, ever.

It would be great just to be able to drive up to a medical facility, get a flu shot through your car window and get on with life. That's going to be a reality this Saturday. The key to being able to get a flu shot through the drive-thru this weekend is to register. Ochsner Lafayette General's vaccine clinic will be the site where you really can roll through and get your shot.

Sick Bear
Photo courtesy of Kristine Wook-D337PostcEM-unsplash

If you would like to sign up online for a drive-thru shot, you can click here or visit myochsner.org. If you would prefer to call to register, the number is 337-571-9000. The event will be held from 8 a.m. Saturday morning through noon. The location of the event is the Ochsner Lafayette General Vaccine Clinic at 816 Harding Street. Only person 18 and order are able to use this service.

You are asked to bring along identification and insurance card. If you need information about the flu, you can go to Ochsner.org/flu.

Flu Shot
Photo courtesy of CDC via unsplash

Remember you must register for the drive-thru flu shot ahead of Saturday in order to use the drive-thru option. If you don't, or if you forget, you will need to walk in to get registered and get your shot.

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