Lois Matykowski lost her wedding ring five years ago. She chalked it up to a total loss after searching everywhere for it. Until her dog puked it up five years later!

Lois was sitting outside with her granddaughter, who was eating a popsicle. Next thing she knew, her dog, Tucker, was smacking his jaws, and the popsicle was missing...stick and all. She didn't think anything of it, cause Tucker is a notable food thief.

Tucker ended up vomiting from the popsicle. A few days later, Tucker was sick again, and puked again...this time, Lois found something very special while cleaning up the vomit...her wedding ring!

Apparently, the popsicle stick dislodged the ring that was sitting in Tucker's stomach.

“I look in the paper towel and here is my wedding ring. I kid you not. My wedding ring was in Tucker’s puke.”


Would you think to look inside your dog for something that was lost? Maybe an x-ray is in order if something precious of yours goes missing, huh?

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