What Louisiana Chooses to Drink with King Cake – Top 5 Choices
Technically Louisiana has been in King Cake season since early January. In fact, some of us can't wait until January 6th to get here so we cheat the edges of official King Cake enjoyment and buy one or maybe two right after New Year's Day. King Cakes, like almost every food in Louisiana, can spark a lively debate. And the reasons for the disagreements are as varied as the kinds of King Cakes on offer.
The biggest debate about King Cakes appears to center around whether "they are authentic" or not. Some people don't think King Cake should be stuffed with fillings. Others don't like the King Cakes that "appear to be just large donuts covered in way too much icing". Yet others don't pay any attention to any of the arguments surrounding King Cake and they just dive right in.
All this discussion about King Cakes got us wondering, is there a "preferred beverage" that should be served when one is serving King Cake? While can find no "official filings" in the "lore of Mardi Gras" we can tell you what the people told us.
There are two beverages that most people who took our unscientific survey on social media listed as their drink of choice while munching on King Cake. Milk was quite popular. But not just milk. Many people noted in their comments that the "milk had to have ice cubes in it". Why the ice was needed was never explained but there are a lot of things about Mardi Gras that aren't really explained.
The second beverage of choice which got just as many mentions as milk was coffee. I know you're not shocked by that. But most people who mentioned coffee were specific about the brand, Community, the roast, Dark, and the serving suggestion, Black. It makes sense, why would you need all that added sugar, milk, cream, and flavoring, when you're face-pounding sugar-laden baked goods, right?
The third beverage of choice must have come from the many veterans of the parade route that took the time to answer our query. Their response was beer. There were also more than a few nods to "Natty Light". The official beer of good times for less money. I have had King Cake and beer and I don't suggest it. But if you're on the parade route and you're starting to choke, I might even be able to swallow most of a Schlitz if it meant not choking.
The fourth place on our "what do you drink when you eat King Cake" survey was surprising, at least to me, water. Just a nice bottle or cup of cool water was all some folks needed to enjoy their Mardi Gras munchies.
Many of the commenters said drinking water allows the flavor of the cake, the icing, the filling, and all the love to shine through. I won't argue with that but King Cake and water isn't too far away from bread and water which is what they serve in jail. Which some people also visit during the Mardi Gras season.
The beverage or I should class of beverages that made up our fifth choice for drinking while destroying a King Cake was soda pop. And, not just soda pop, most of the people who mentioned it said "diet soda pop". Unless you're trying to pull a fast one on your waistline and trick it into thinking King Cake is low in calories because you're drinking a diet soda, I don't see the benefit.
A lot of diet sodas have a unique aftertaste. Maybe the King Cake covers that up? But then there is still a clash of carbonation and cake infused with icing and other things. I just don't see it as a "party in my mouth" but I must admit I have never tried Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper with my King Cake. Those two brands were specifically singled out by our commenters.
Regardless of whether you keep it Kellers, go Meche's, put on the full Gambino, or stop at some other amazing King Cake creation station just don't forget the drinks. And now you have a pretty good idea of what to bring along in the cooler too. You noticed no one said orange juice, right? So, don't get that.
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