It's hard to imagine Van Halen without Alex Van Halen behind the drum kit, but if Eddie and Wolfgang ever need to find a replacement, they might want to give Avery Molek a call.

The folks at the Van Halen News Desk turned up the above clip of Molek tearing his way through a beat-perfect rendition of Van Halen's 'Hot for Teacher' -- which makes him one of about 80,000 people who have used the song as a way of showing off their drum skills on YouTube, and totally wouldn't be a big deal if Avery weren't just six years old.

As it turns out, Molek's a seasoned drum prodigy; he has nearly 70 YouTube uploads posted at his channel, including covers of songs by Kiss, Motley Crue, and Ozzy Osbourne. The scary part? He's only been taking lessons for a couple of years.

And while he'll soon have things like homework getting in the way of all that rocking, Molek has been taking advantage of his free time -- as VHND's report points out, he's also a busy live performer who's already sat in for "four different live bands spanning in four states," played at a growing list of festivals (including Sturgis, which had to be an eye-opening experience), and scheduled what he dubbed his 'Out of the Basement Tour' in 2012. "Yes, I said ‘Tour’!" Molek told VHND. "I am only 6! So anything more than one gig is a Tour!"

Rock on, Avery.

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