U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Taxpayer Subsidies In Obamacare
The United State Supreme Court has upheld the taxpayer subsidies portion of the Affordable Care Act, meaning the program is likely here to stay.
The decision is a huge win for President Barack Obama's administration.
The case they ruled on had to do with the federal subsidies for low-income people, as there are more than 30 states that do not have their own insurance exchanges.
3rd District Louisiana Congressman Charles Boustany says that as a doctor, he knows the ObamaCare is just a bad law. It says it's just that simple. He says, in his mind, the court's decision in King v. Burwell doesn't really change that it's just a bad plan.
Boustany adds,
" It doesn't change my resolve to continue protecting families from premium spikes and lost coverage, and it doesn't change my desire to see the entire law repealed. This isn't over. Today's decision will cast the shortcomings of this law in an even harsher light, forcing the law to emerge from the shadow of litigation, stand on its own two fee, and be judged on its merits."
U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy say this ruling does not change all of the issues with Obamacare. He says the fight must continue for the people.
Cassidy says,
"The Supreme Court’s decision does not repeal the problems with Obamacare. The fight to repeal and replace Obamacare to give patients the power must continue. Health insurance premiums are increasing as much as 60 percent per year, Americans are paying more for less, and view government mandates, penalties, and IRS coercion as un-American. As a doctor who has treated uninsured and underinsured patients for 25 years, I have worked with colleagues to craft the Patient Freedom Act. This gives patients the power, not Obamacare bureaucrats and the IRS. I remain committed to repealing and replacing Obamacare with conservative, free market solutions that give you the power.”
From the Associated Press:
"Senate Democrats have a simple message for Republican foes of the President Barack Obama's health care overhaul after the Supreme Court latest ruling: It's over. Speaking on the Senate floor minutes after Thursday's ruling to uphold a key portion of the law was announced, Minority Leader Harry Reid says, quote, 'Enough's enough. Let's move on.;The Nevada Democrat was one of the party leaders who worked to ensure passage of the law in 2010. He says Republicans should stop wasting time with votes to repeal the law, which now exceed 50. Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin is the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate. He says in a statement, quote, "Memo to the non-stop critics of the Affordable Care Act: stop trying to kill this program and work to make it stronger."
The court has yet to rule on the legality of some states prohibiting same-sex marriage, but there is a possibility that ruling could come out today as well.
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