Top 10: WalletHub Ranks the Best Colleges and Universities in Louisiana
Where does your favorite school rank?
Growing up, there was always one university that I always wanted to go to - the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Now, I know that many people don't necessarily know where they want to go to college until they have to make the decision but, for most people, they take pride in where they go to school. Making that choice of where you will spend the next 4 (or 5 or 6 or 7...) years learning about what will hopefully be your career is a huge deal.
Well, WalletHub has released its annual list of Top 10 Colleges & Universities in Louisiana. I have to admit that when I first saw this list, my eyes immediately went to see where UL Lafayette ranked. I also noticed a big name that was not listed in the Top 10.
How Do They Come Up With These Rankings?
Before answering that, the reason the list is out in the first place is that November 1st marks the first "early decision" college application deadline.
Being a personal finance website, WalletHub does take financial issues like Admission Rate into effect, but they also look at the Net Cost of attending the school and the Post-Attendance Median Salary as well.
Here are some other factors WalletHub considers:
- Student-Faculty Ratio
- On-Campus Crime
- Gender & Racial Diversity
- Graduation Rate
WalletHub did this not only for Louisiana colleges and universities but also for schools across the country. It's part of their efforts to help college-bound seniors make the most informed school choices.