Tik Tok Science Teacher ‘Blows’ Internet Away with Bag Trick
Is it possible that all the damage done to interpersonal relationships by the social media platform Facebook can be repaired by a simple hack or two published on Tik Tok, the current darling of the social media world? I believe it might be possible. I am finding that Tik Tok seems to have more genuine creators and less drama than Meta-Zucker-Face-Berg-Book.
One of my favorite things to look for on Tik Tok are the unique hacks or demonstrations. I especially love it when teachers get to "tokking" because you know you're going to be entertained and educated. One such teacher published content under the handle @Wolf_Science and I was blown away by his demonstration.
Here's the deal. Do you see this long plastic bag? It's actually more like a tube that's several feet long. Our Tik Tok hero says he can fill this bag up with one breath.
Now a lot of us would take the bag, put it to our lips and blow as hard as we can.
But alas, we'll only get one breath's worth of air in the bag. Yet, @Wolf_Science has science working for him. Here, I will let him demonstrate how it works. And be sure to stick around for the end of his video when explains how you can stay cool this summer.
Caution: Science Term Coming!
Pretty amazing huh? @Wolf_Science was able to fill up that whole darn bag with one breath from his lungs. He used Bernoulli's Principle. Since you don't know what that is and I didn't either, let's explain.
Bernoulli's Principle states that an increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in static pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy, that's according to Wikipedia. In layman's terms, well watch.
Basically by stepping away from the opening of the bag to blow in the air @Wolf_Science was able to create a "flow" of surrounding air into the bag which allowed for a lot more volume than if he just used the air from his lungs.
If you think about it Bernoulli's Principle is what helps airplanes fly. The faster-moving air over the top of the wing creates less pressure and allows the great pressure from beneath the wing to actually lift the aircraft.
While you probably won't use this knowledge for that application you can use the giant plastic bag trick as a great way to fool your friends or amaze your co-workers. It might be a bar bet you could actually win. But, you'd have to bring a large plastic bag with you anytime you went to a bar. So, there's that.
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