Thanksgiving To Affect LCG Waste & Transit Services
Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, Lafayette Transit System and Republic Services will not run on Thursday, November 28.
On Friday, November 29, 2019, LTS bus services, including Daytime, Night Owl, and Para-transit will run the Saturday schedule due to the official holiday of Acadian Day.
One exception: Para-Transit approved riders will be able to schedule rides for Thursday, Nov. 28 and Friday, Nov. 29, however, the LTS offices will be closed on these days.
Regular scheduled transit services will resume on Saturday, November 30, 2019.
Visit RideLTS.com for all transit route information.
Residential customers who normally receive garbage or recycling collection on Thursday or Friday will receive collection the day after their normal collection day during the week of Thanksgiving; Regular Thursday customers will receive collection on the Friday after Thanksgiving, and regular Friday customers will receive collection on Saturday.
Residential customers of Republic Services will have excess garbage collected, which includes any bagged waste that does not fit in the 96-gallon garbage cart, on their first service day after Thanksgiving. Regular Thursday garbage customers will receive the excess collection on Friday, and regular Friday customers will receive the excess collection on Saturday following Thanksgiving, in accordance with the adjusted garbage collection.
Monday through Wednesday garbage customers will receive excess collection on their regularly scheduled collection day the week following Thanksgiving.
The Lafayette Consolidated Government Compost Facility at 400 Dugas Rd. will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, and the Friday and Saturday following Thanksgiving. The facility will reopen on Monday, December 2 at 7 a.m.
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