Working in radio, there are things that can keep you from doing your job properly. Things like losing your voice from being sick (which has already happened to me before) and having the hiccups! During lunchtime, I caught a wicked case of the hiccups as soon as I went on-air!

To put it easy, it was driving me crazy and I'm sure our listeners were going crazy as well, or maybe they found it amusing. I really do not know, so I decided to take some calls to get some advice on how to quickly cure them. Advice for cures even popped up on Twitter, which you can see below:

I decided to go with my first caller's advice, who's name is Kelly:

Kelly, who according to herself, used to suffer from hiccups all of the time, gave me advice to drink a can of Coke really fast them hold my breath for as long as I could. I did so, and watch the video below to see if her advice worked.

Man, either the myths are true and the camera adds a few pounds to you, or I need to quit drinking soda pop all together! I look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Junior!

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