WrestleMania 28

Louisiana Man Accidently Killed During Wrestlemania Party
Louisiana Man Accidently Killed During Wrestlemania Party
Louisiana Man Accidently Killed During Wrestlemania Party
One 24-year old Louisiana man is dead after attending a Wrestlemania 28 party in New Orleans. The Times-Picayune reported that Stephen A. Arceneaux III was attending the party with family and friends. During the pay-per-view event, he was 'play' wrestling with his 14-year old cousin on an inflatable mattress that was set up in front of the television.
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview
It’s late March and people who generally leave the room when you talk about wrestling are starting to ask questions like, “The Undertaker is still wrestling!?” which can mean only one thing: ‘WrestleMania’ season is upon us.