Waffles The Terrible

Waffles The Cat Tries To Jump Onto A Ledge, Owner Helps By Filming It [Video]
Waffles The Cat Tries To Jump Onto A Ledge, Owner Helps By Filming It [Video]
Waffles The Cat Tries To Jump Onto A Ledge, Owner Helps By Filming It [Video]
Meet Waffles The Terrible (yeah, that is the cat's real name). In this video, Waffles is trying to jump off of a snow covered vehicle onto the ledge on top of the garage. I'm guessing since the cat's owner named the cat Waffles The Terrible, he tried to help the cat the best way he could, by filming the cat trying to jump onto the ledge. Watch as Waffles fails to do so and all the cat's owner can