The judicial system is letting a group of former NFL players file a lawsuit against Electronic Arts over the use of their images and likenesses in the Madden NFL series.
You know those arcade boxing machines where you punch it to receive the highest score. Have you ever seen anyone get the highest score of 999? Well, after watching this video, you will have. Instead of punching it, this dude busts up his flying round kicks to it to receive the highest score you can get. Maybe I will try that next time!
In Germany, there's a way to keep your mind off of waiting to cross the street. Street Pong! You play with a person waiting on the other side of the street!
If you're into the whole super-hungry-zombies-want-to-eat-your-brains-out game theme that's been popular lately, then you're going to love Escape Dead Island.
Time to blast your favorite Akira Yamaoka song, because this Silent Hill collection is so big that it was recognized by the folks at Guinness World Records.
For your Flashback Friday, here is a pretty cool performance of a guy playing the violin in real-time to the classic Nintendo game Super Mario Bros. Not only does he play the theme music, he plays the sound effects along with the music.
I have seen hilarious glitches in video games before, but I almost spit my drink out of my mouth when I saw a 1 ft linebacker making plays, getting picked on, tripping receivers and giving other players high fives!
Comic-Con attendees will have the chance to grab a much more colorful version of the console when Microsoft gives away 20 custom, collectible consoles to their biggest fans.
Zombies are still cool, and video game-adapted movies are still all the rage. So, it was only a matter of time before the immensely popular zombie video game series Dead Rising was mined for cinematic gold, and it'll be the first film to emerge from Legendary's digital media branch.