
Traffic Ticket Freakout [NSFW Video]
Traffic Ticket Freakout [NSFW Video]
Traffic Ticket Freakout [NSFW Video]
Does anyone like getting a ticket? Surely not this guy! A news crew from KRON in California was filming a segment for the show 'People Behaving Badly' and captured quite a reaction from Mr. Elmo Shirt here!
Broussard Adopts New Noise Ordinance
Broussard Adopts New Noise Ordinance
Broussard Adopts New Noise Ordinance
Usually "if it's too loud, you're too old." But now if it's too loud, you get a citation. The Broussard Town Council adopted its first noise ordinance at their Tuesday night meeting. Now, Broussard police officers are able to cite individuals when responding to an excessive noise complaint instead of hoping for compliance, as was the case previously...