security footage

A Bengal Tiger Goes Shopping In A Convenient Store [Video]
A Bengal Tiger Goes Shopping In A Convenient Store [Video]
A Bengal Tiger Goes Shopping In A Convenient Store [Video]
This is something you don't see every day. Take a good look at this surveillance footage inside of a convenient store. Everything looks normal when all of a sudden, a tiger enters the store. Watch the reaction of everyone in the store while this tiger just wants to do a little shopping.
Introducing The Kung-Fu Kitty [Video]
Introducing The Kung-Fu Kitty [Video]
Introducing The Kung-Fu Kitty [Video]
This is pretty hilarious! This video is taken from what appears to be a security camera and in the footage, a woman is walking her dog down the sidewalk, when out of the blue this crazed feline shows up and attacks the dog. The woman kicks the cat and that brings out the cat's mad wushu skills!