prison escape

Escaped Inmate Turns Himself In To Escape Freezing Temperatures
Escaped Inmate Turns Himself In To Escape Freezing Temperatures
Escaped Inmate Turns Himself In To Escape Freezing Temperatures
Robert Vick, an escaped inmate from a Lexington, Kentucky prison, decided that freedom wasn't worth freezing over. So, he turned himself in to police to ESCAPE (see what  we did there?) the freezing temperatures. Keep reading for more on the story.
Inmate Tries To Escape Prison In A Suitcase! [Video]
Inmate Tries To Escape Prison In A Suitcase! [Video]
Inmate Tries To Escape Prison In A Suitcase! [Video]
Now, I've heard of the ole "digging into the ground with a spoon" escape plan, or even the ole "switcharoo"!! Hell, John Dillinger was even successful a plenty! Now, I've definitely seen it all!! This flippin' guy tries for a first, attempting a prison escape in his 19 year old girlfriend's suitcase!! Apparently, his "old lady" will be facing jail time for aiding a pr