morganza snake

Huge Morganza Snake Strikes Again? [Pic]
Huge Morganza Snake Strikes Again? [Pic]
Huge Morganza Snake Strikes Again? [Pic]
We all saw the pic of the supposed Morganza snake that we posted earlier. There is now the pic that may or may not be real of a bunch of deer supposedly trying to escape the flood waters from the Marganza Spillway jumping into a house. Well now we know why...
Serpent Smackdown – Eunice Super Serpent Vs Morganza Snake
Serpent Smackdown – Eunice Super Serpent Vs Morganza Snake
Serpent Smackdown – Eunice Super Serpent Vs Morganza Snake
The battle will be epic my friends! Our old friend the Eunice Super Snake took to his Twitter account to reach out to the new kid on the block, the Morganza Snake. Makings of the next Ali vs Frazier? Click through to see the screen cap of the tweet...
Mystery Of The ‘Morganza Snake’
Mystery Of The ‘Morganza Snake’
Mystery Of The ‘Morganza Snake’
With the Spillway being opened, it's not just people that are having to run for higher ground, it's the animals as well. So, this picture recently surfaced of what is being called the "Morganza Snake". But, is it real, or is this a fake...